A Sales Cardio® Event

Sales Leadership Series


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How do you lead, not manage, your team and business to sales success?

Join us for as many sessions as you like.

The events

  • 1. Creating a high performing sales teamLIVE Aug 8
  • 2. Crafting a sales plan LIVE Aug 22
  • 3. Creating a high impact sales process LIVE Sep 5
  • 4. Powerful conversations LIVE Sep 26
  • 5. Create a sales pitch that intrigues a buyer LIVE Oct 10
  • 6. Selecting and onboarding sales talent LIVE on Oct 24

For over 30 years Martin has performance led and coached sales teams and individuals to their limitless potential. In this series of SIX live and virtual Sales Leadership Sessions he will share his experience in an easy to consume format that you can implement in your business.

Six Sessions

Creating a high performing sales team

How strong sales leaders creating high performing sales teams.This Sales Cardio event focusses on onboarding sales talent, setting effective KPIs, holding sales teams accountable, how to deal with underperforming sales talent, the power of time blocking and more.

Crafting a sales plan

A sales plan is not about the numbers; it is about the actions required to turn the numbers into a reality. This Sales Cardio event will focus on how to build a sales budget from the ground up, which will give you not only a revenue target but a complete suite of action items and KPI’s that will help lead your team to sales success.

Creating a high impact sales process

Increasing lead conversions and reducing discounting is easy if you follow a process. This Sales Cardio even focusses on the seven pillars of a successful sales process. A logical series of next steps which lead your client through your sales process and virtually eliminates objections along the way.

Powerful conversations

Imagine the power whereby learning how to frame a conversation you were selecting the client; they were not selecting you. This Sales Cardio event will help anyone in your team frame conversations with clients, so at every step your team maintains conversational leadership leading to increased conversions, reduced discounting, and satisfied clients.

Create a sales pitch that intrigues a buyer

A sales pitch with a story line worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster would be intriguing and interesting, such a pitch is within reach. This Sales Cardio event focusses on the structure required to create your own piece of pitching mastery where you are the hero of your story. A story that has them intrigued and paying attention that leads them to ask, “how do we get started”?

Selecting and onboarding sales talent

So you want to employ a new salesperson and give yourself the best opportunity at selecting the right talent? This event is for you! Hands up of you have ever employed a sales person that looked great on paper, interviewed like a rockstar, got the job and then they just did not live up to their potential. This Sales Cardio event will help you with your decision.

Register Today

Sales Leadership events are held Tuesdays at 7pm sharp