Three foundations of Sales Acceleration

A lack of sales, lumpy cash flow, poor conversion rates, sales teams struggling to hit KPIs, buyers ghosting, stalled pipelines and a transient talent pool are a handful of symptoms of a sales process under pressure.

There are always reasons why a sales process does not performing at its best. 

In over forty years being part of and leading sales teams I have encountered every conceivable (and sometimes inconceivable) reason why a salesperson or a business struggles. 

From a fledgling startup to passionate solopreneur established SME or a market leading multi-national. No business is immune. 

When I was creating the sales acceleration methodology it became apparent that no matter what the reason, every bottleneck or roadblock flowed back to three overarching skill gaps that became the foundations of my coaching. 

The Sales Acceleration methodology brings together three foundations, nine pillars and twenty-seven individual disciplines which when deployed will generate more sales, more cash and create a sales team that is crushing it. 

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Sales teams are full of individuals who are not confident when selling.

A lack of confidence is non-discriminatory; it targets all businesses. While the small business community openly admits it’s a problem, larger businesses (50M PA+) are for the most part completely unaware of its impact.

How do I turn it all around?

I work with individuals and teams and turn them into leaders by focusing on three pillars.
• Cadence
• Framing
• Selection

The result?

Sales talent with the ability, mindset, and communication skills to confidently lead themselves and buyers through a sales process.

More sales, more cash, and a sales team that is crushing it.



Sales teams are made up of individuals who, just like me, figured out how to sell on their own.

And today in sales we are up against the most advanced buyer with more control in the process than at any time in human history.

Layer on top a constantly changing marketplace and it is no surprise that conversion rates are declining while discounting is on the rise.

In the 2020s you cannot manipulate a buyer.

So how do I turn it around?

I work with individuals and teams and turn them into influencers by focusing on three pillars.
• Process
• Status
• Intrigue

The result?

Sales talent with the ability to lead the buyer through a process with a series of micro commitments from the buyer and delivering a pitch in a way that is intriguing and has the buyer acknowledging you as an industry expert.

More sales, more cash, and a sales team that is crushing it.



A successful career in sales is hard work.

Leading and influencing on their own will increase sales and conversion rates but it is no guarantee of sales success.

I see this all the time, as the close approaches, vocal tension, speeding up, all tension lost just as quickly as the deal.

Buyers going dark and ghosting.

So how do I turn it around?

I work with individuals and teams and turn them into winners by focusing on three pillars.
• Close
• Time
• Perform

The result?

Sales talent with the ability to close confidently without using high-pressure sales tactics. By having the buyer close your deal to you.

And if the buyer indicates more time is required, having them agree to micro commitments so they do not go dark and end up clogging sales pipelines.

More sales, more cash, and a sales team that is crushing it.


No one wants to talk to a salesperson. 

Yet, everyone wants to spend time with an expert. 

And this is the biggest sales challenge facing sales talent and businesses around the world. 

How to position their business as an expert in its field. 

Without telling the buyer how good you are. 

Without jumping straight to a kit bag full of solutions. 

Without engaging the fight or flight response of the buyer. 

While keeping the buyer engaged 

While keeping the buyer intrigued. 

And having them wanting to work with you.