31 October 2023

Crafting Effective Cold Calling Scripts: A Comparison of Bad and Good Examples

Cold calling remains a crucial aspect of the sales process, despite the evolution of digital marketing and communication methods. However, the effectiveness of a cold call hinges largely on the script used by the salesperson, and your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)


A well-crafted script can open doors and lead to successful sales conversions, while a poorly executed one can lead to frustration and rejection. In this blog post, we’ll dissect and compare a bad example of a cold calling script to a good example, helping you understand the key elements that make a cold call successful.


Bad Example: The Stumbling Sales Script


Imagine a scenario where a salesperson fumbles through a cold call. Here’s a glimpse of what their script might sound like:


Salesperson: “Hello? Uh, hi, my name is John, and I’m calling from XYZ Company. We sell, uh, software and stuff. I was wondering if you, uh, might be interested in, um, learning more about what we do?”


[1.5 second pause]


Salesperson: “I am calling about our software that helps you with the strategic implementation of your biggest problems from [COMPANY].


Is this a priority for you today?”


Prospect: “Actually, this isn’t a great time …”


Salesperson: “Are you interested in a product demo of how we are in the magic quadrant? We have won all these awards.”


Prospect: “We’re not interested.”


Salesperson: “Are you the decision-maker? Give me two hours, and we can get you going — unless you don’t have a budget.”




Analysis of the Bad Example


Lack of Confidence: In this script, the salesperson sounds needy, unsure and unconfident. Neediness is a major turn-off for potential clients and confidence is key in cold calling, as it conveys professionalism and trustworthiness.


Vague Offer: The script is vague and lacks clarity about the product or service being offered. Potential clients need a clear and compelling reason to engage in a conversation.


Weak Opening: The opening lacks a hook or value proposition to grab the prospect’s attention. The salesperson fails to provide any incentive for the prospect to continue the conversation.


Features and Benefits selling is dead, as is the age-old method of “building rapport”. 


Also, going for the demo before you have adequately demonstrated that you understand their pain will, in most cases, close the door for good.


The purpose of a successful cold calling script is to open the door, to intrigue the buyer, encourage them to stay on the call and delve deeper. 


Above all, your script should have space for your salesperson to listen to the prospect, build trust with them, and allow for a more personalised conversation. Do this and your cold calling script will project authenticity, interest and generosity of shared knowledge, through asking questions, discovering pain points, and establishing a timeline.


Now, let’s explore a good example to see how a cold calling script can be significantly improved.


Good Example: The Persuasive Pitch


Salesperson: “Hey, [Prospect’s Name]. It’s Sarah from XYZ Company, a leading provider of innovative software solutions designed to streamline your business operations and boost productivity. I noticed that you have been exploring ways to optimise processes on LinkedIn, and I believe we have a solution that could benefit you. Perhaps if you tell me more about what you need, we can quickly establish if my solution could be a contender. 


Prospect Responds: [Floating conversation. Listen and ask questions. Think about your solution and develop a use case that will intrigue your buyer].


Salesperson: So, [Prospect’s Name}. You feel that you need a solution that will [reiterate what the prospect just explained to you, demonstrating that you listened and are working with them to find a solution that will meet their needs. Be honest if you feel your solution will not meet their needs. They will respect you more.].


Prospect: “Yes, that’s right. Can you help?”


Salesperson: “Would you be open to a brief conversation to explore how our solution has helped similar businesses in your industry achieve remarkable results?”


Prospect: “Yes thanks. That would be very helpful.”


Analysis of the Good Example


Confidence and Professionalism: In this script, the salesperson exudes confidence and professionalism right from the start. The tone is assertive but not pushy, conveying competence and credibility.


Clear Value Proposition: The script offers a clear and compelling value proposition by addressing the prospect’s specific pain points and needs. It highlights the potential benefits of the product and how it can solve the prospect’s problems.


Intriguing Introduction: The script begins with a tailored introduction that captures the prospect’s interest. It mentions the prospect’s company and industry, demonstrating that the salesperson has done their homework and is genuinely interested in helping.


Keeping the Mystery: By requiring the Prospect to commit to the next step to learn more, you are establishing their level of urgency, and creating a promise that will make them turn up to the meeting.



Cold calling can be a powerful tool when executed effectively. This comparison between the bad and good cold calling script examples highlights the key elements that can make or break a cold call. Confidence, clarity, and a compelling value proposition are essential components of a successful script. When crafting your own cold calling scripts, keep these principles in mind, and remember that preparation, research, and a genuine desire to help the prospect are the keys to turning a cold call into a valuable business opportunity.